Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Just saw a dead buffalo who starved :(
Saw 15 buffalo on the road going right by our car surrounding us beautiful. One yearling adorable. Park serviece tried to move them with a loud horn

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


today on rove i went for a 2 hour hike on horse butte we saw 63 buffalo on the crust. later we patrolled the highway and saw no buffalo crossing,so we went into  bakers hole and saw 4 but then we looked closer and no less then 20 feet away hiding in the trees was a buffalo staring right at us
Saw 63 buffalo on horse butte and 5 out at bakers hole one was really really close mabeye only 50-90 feet mabeye closer

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

first job

today i went out on rookie rove. rookie rove is where you go out into the field and practice snowshoeing and skiing. this morning i woke up at 6:15 and left for rove a 7:00. the first part of it we drove around checking for bison. then we went up to the north east bluff, this place is a sort of a high point of a bowl. we walked in  snow shoe's for 2 hours, the snow was soft and wet and the snow shoes sunk. snowshoeing is not easy it requires a lot of energy and devotion. while up on the bluffs we saw 5 buffalo down in bakers hole witch is the at the bottom of the bluffs. it was so beautiful and breath taking. after we left the bluffs we went down into bakers hole this was also very pretty. then as we headed home along Madison''s arm we saw 4 more buffalo. tomorrow I'm going to be in the office talking to people out on patrols.