Friday, April 1, 2011

first job

today i went out on rookie rove. rookie rove is where you go out into the field and practice snowshoeing and skiing. this morning i woke up at 6:15 and left for rove a 7:00. the first part of it we drove around checking for bison. then we went up to the north east bluff, this place is a sort of a high point of a bowl. we walked in  snow shoe's for 2 hours, the snow was soft and wet and the snow shoes sunk. snowshoeing is not easy it requires a lot of energy and devotion. while up on the bluffs we saw 5 buffalo down in bakers hole witch is the at the bottom of the bluffs. it was so beautiful and breath taking. after we left the bluffs we went down into bakers hole this was also very pretty. then as we headed home along Madison''s arm we saw 4 more buffalo. tomorrow I'm going to be in the office talking to people out on patrols.


  1. You sound like you are having quite an adventure and learning a lot of good information. Have you taken any pictures?
    Can't wait to see you with the buffalo.
    I played an April Fools Joke on Bud and Grandma. I told them you got to ride on one of the buffalo. Grandma said, "She did?" Bud believed it for a bit then he realized it was an April Fools. It was funny though. Have a good day.

  2. Hey Ocean ... looks like you are on a very exciting and educational experience!!! Stay safe ... no buffalo riding! Keep the posts coming, they're great!

    Love you,
